Meyerhardt Lodge #314, F. & A. M.
We, the members of Meyerhardt Lodge No. 314, Free and Accepted Masons, established under authority of the Grand Lodge of the State of Georgia, chartered October 30th, 1890, do adopt the following as By-Laws and rules of order for said Lodge, hereby repealing all other By-Laws and rules of order heretofore adopted...
Change History
Date Section Change
7/27/1984 C1/S2 Meeting second and fourth Friday night except in November
6/26/1987 C1/S2 Meeting moved from Friday to Thursday night
10/8/1992 C1/S2 Added 2nd communication in November each year
??/??/???? C3/S4 Removed $3.00 fee to Tyler
9/14/2000 C5/S1 Change annual dues from $75 to $100 and Change Emeritus status to match Masonic Code §31-115
2/12/2009 C1/S1 Require representation at Grand Lodge to protect the Charter
C1/S2 Reword and remove 2nd meeting in November
C1/S5 Clarify and move last sentence portion to Section 1
C2/S1 Reformat for readability and combine with section 4
C3/S1 Require Worshipful Master or proxy to attend Grand Lodge and authorize the Worshipful Master to spend up to $100 between meetings. Do not require signatures of officers in secretary report.
C3/S2 Require ballots to be secret, remove paragraph about merits of members
C3/S3 Require installation within 30 days of election
C4/S3 Rewrite section to conform to Masonic Code
C4/S4 Deleted because already in Masonic Code
C4/S5 Renumber section and make into accordance with Masonic Code
C4/S6 Renumber section
C5/S1 Change Fellow Craft and Master Fees to $40 each. Add fee breakdown in accordance with Masonic Code. Remit dues of newly raised Masters until following January from date of raising.
C6/S1 Change Committee of Finance to Audit Committee and streamline duties. Change Committee of Relief to Relief Committee
C6/S2 Streamline section
C7/S1 Rewrite to conform to Masonic Code
C7/S2 Remove to conform with Masonic Code
C7/S3 Remove to conform to Masonic Code
C7/S4 Remove to conform to Masonic Code
C8/S1 Make Special Rules of Order into Chapter IX
C9/S1 Add new rule 1 and delete old rule 3
2/27/2014 C1/S2 Add “only” before November communication
C1/S5 Require dispensation from Grand Lodge
C3/S1 Allow Worshipful Master successor to choose installer
C3/S2 Add paragraph at end of section
C3/S1 Allow Worshipful Master successor to choose installer
C4/S2 Recommend completion of Investigation course
C5/S1 Buy $50.00 memorial brick for deceased
C5/S3 Require Emeritus to pay per capita tax
Guide Change WM allowed fee from $75.00 to $100.00
12/12/2020 C5/S2 Change amount of Degree fees and annual dues.
10/13/2022 C3/S1 Change calculation of Secretary’s fee.
Section 1.
This Lodge shall be known by the name of Meyerhardt Lodge No. 314. F. & A. M., and shall be governed in strict conformity to the constitution of the Grand Lodge of the State of Georgia, its edicts and resolutions and the ancient landmarks, customs and usages of free Masonry. This Lodge shall be represented at each communication of the Grand Lodge of Georgia sufficiently to protect the Lodge Charter.
Section 2.
The regular communications of this Lodge shall be held on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month, except that the only communication in November is held on the second Thursday, and the only communication in December, which shall be the Annual Communication, be held on the second Thursday.
The hour of the meeting shall be 7:30 o’clock P.M., but the Worshipful Master may call special communications whenever he may deem it expedient, by giving due notice thereof, for such purpose as may be strictly specified in the notice, and not incompatible with the usages and laws of Masonry.
Section 3.
All business of this Lodge (except conferring degrees and installations) such as reception of petitions, all balloting for degrees of memberships and all appropriations of funds of the Lodge must be at regular communications.
Section 4.
Degrees may be conferred at a called communication, provided that the candidates have been elected at a regular communication.
Section 5.
All communications of this Lodge shall be held in its regular meeting place in the City of Kennesaw, Georgia, unless the Worshipful Master directs otherwise and a dispensation is approved by the Grand Lodge of Georgia. No communication of this Lodge can be opened unless the charter is present.
Section 1.
The duties of the members of this Lodge are divided into three areas:
A. Toward an individual brother; to aid him in the hour of difficulty, console him in the hour of grief, relieve him in distress, counsel him when astray, and avoid every word and act that might injure him in person, character (or feelings).
B. Toward this Lodge; to obey these By-Laws and all others of its rules and edicts.
C. Toward the body of Masonry; to support the constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Georgia and see that none of the ancient land marks of Masonry are removed or overthrown.
The various “Charges” delivered orally to candidates in the degrees are hereby acknowledged to contain a correct summary of Masonic duties.
Section 1.
The officers of this Lodge and their duties are as follows:
The Worshipful Master
To open and preside over the Lodge, when present; to make all necessary provision for the performance of those duties when absent; to see that these By-Laws and the constitution of the Grand Lodge of Georgia are duly understood, respected and obeyed by the members; to give Masonic instruction to the Lodge; to take command of the other officers of the Lodge, and claim of them advice and assistance on any business relative to the craft; to see that the furniture or other valuables are not wasted, damaged, and in case the charter of the Lodge should ever be forfeited or surrendered, to preserve these things subject to the order of the Grand Lodge; to draw all orders on the Treasurer, with the consent of the Lodge; to appoint all committees; to see that all un-Masonic Conduct, that comes to his knowledge, be faithfully dealt with according to the By-Laws of this Lodge and the general rules of Masonry; to guarantee to everyone charged with un-Masonic conduct a fair trial and an appeal to the Grand Lodge, if demanded; to fill all vacant offices by pro-tem appointment; to convene the Lodge in special communications, whenever he may deem it expedient; to install his successor in office unless his successor requests otherwise; to see that worthy brethren and visitors from other Lodges have courteous attention and a welcome to this Lodge; to cast the deciding vote at any time in the event of a tie; to appoint a standing committee of relief, and a standing committee of finance on the day of his installation; to decide all Lodge questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Grand Lodge or Grand Master.
The Worshipful Master shall attend the Annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Georgia or he shall nominate a Past Master of this Lodge to act as his proxy to represent this Lodge.
The Worshipful Master is authorized to spend One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) in case of Lodge emergencies, to be reimbursed at the next regular communication.
Senior Warden
To succeed to and exercise all the powers of the Master in the event of his absence, death, or disability, and to have charge of the craft during the hours of labor.
Junior Warden
To succeed to and exercise all the powers of the Master in absence of his two superior officers, to take charge of the craft during the hours of refreshments.
In the absence of the three principal officers or at their request, any past Master in good standing may open and preside as Master.
To receive all moneys from the Secretary, to keep a just and true account of the same, and to pay them out on the order of the Lodge with the consent of the Worshipful Master. For the faithful performance of his duties, as above, he shall receive as compensation the remission of his annual dues.
To keep a correct account of the proceedings of the Lodge proper to be written, to collect all moneys and pay them over to the Treasurer, taking his receipt therefore, to attend all trials and meeting for taking evidence, to furnish copies of all evidence taken on trials, where an appeal to the Grand Lodge is demanded, to furnish diplomas, demits, certificates, etc., duly signed and sealed by order of the Lodge, to notify the Grand Secretary promptly of all suspensions from the Lodge, enclosing a description of the brother so suspended.
Immediately after the annual election the Secretary shall report to the Grand Secretary, under the seal of the Lodge, the result of said election, with the names of the officers elected.
For the faithful performance of his duties as above, he shall receive as compensation the remission of his annual dues and the sum of ten per centum of all moneys collected from members in payment of their annual dues and ten per centum of all moneys collected for fees for degrees in this Lodge; provided however, that fees collected as per capita charges for Grand Lodge, 7th District, Cobb County Convention or other Masonic charges shall not be included in the calculation for the purpose of computing the secretary’s compensation.
Is appointed by the Worshipful Master elected on the night of his installation. His duties are: to perform those solemn services which we should constantly render to our infinite creator.
Senior Deacon
Is appointed by the Worshipful Master elected on the night of his installation. His duties are: to act as proxy of the Worshipful Master in the active duties of the Lodge, to give fraternal attention to visiting brethren, to conduct candidates in the different degrees of Masonry.
Junior Deacon
Is appointed by the Senior Warden elected on the night of his installation. His duties are: to act as proxy of the Senior Warden in the active duties of the Lodge, to have special care of the security of the Lodge.
Senior Steward
Is appointed by the Junior Warden elected on the night of his installation. His duties are: to act as proxy of the Junior Warden in the active duties of the Lodge, to assist in preparing and conducting candidates in the different degrees of Masonry, and to perform such other duties as may be required of them.
Junior Steward
Is appointed by the Junior Warden elected on the night of his installation. His duties are: to act as proxy of the Junior Warden in the active duties of the Lodge, to assist in preparing and conducting candidates in the different degrees of Masonry, and to perform such other duties as may be required of them.
Is appointed by the Worshipful Master elected on the night of his installation, and his duties are: to guard the door, subject to the direct orders of the Worshipful Master and his officers immediately in charge, to have in charge the furniture, jewels and other property of the Lodge, and to keep a visitors book.
Section 2.
The Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, Treasurer and Secretary shall be elected by secret ballot at the regular communication next preceding St. John the Evangelist’s day in each and every year, and the brother having the majority of votes of the members present, for any of the offices, shall be declared duly elected. Each officer who shall have been duly elected and installed shall hold his office until his successor shall be duly elected and installed.
Every member of this Lodge, who is not at the time of election under suspension, shall be entitled to vote.
It is recommended that anyone elected as Worshipful Master should have conferred at least one of the three degrees, or holds a White and Blue Card issued by the School of Instruction. He should also have completed the Masonic Code and Parliamentary Procedure courses if, and as, offered by the Grand Lodge of Georgia.
Section 3.
The installation of officers of this Lodge shall take place at the regular communication at which they were elected, if circumstances permit, before any other business takes place, and no later than Thirty (30) days after election.
The rules for installing shall be those laid down in the Ahiman Rezone, prepared under the direction of the Grand Lodge of Georgia, or any other monitor, that is recognized among Masons of Georgia. Any officer re-elected to the office in which he has just served one or more years need not be reinstalled therein.
Section 1.
An application for initiation in this Lodge shall be by written petition, signed by the applicant’s own hand and shall be recommended by two Master Masons, one of whom shall be a member of this Lodge. Said petition shall be delivered to the Secretary, with the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) accompanying it. This petition must be read in open Lodge at two regular communications, at each of which readings the character of the applicant shall be open to inquiry and discussion by any members of this Lodge, under due Masonic restrictions, and before the ballot takes place shall be reported on by the committee on character, consisting of at least three members of the Lodge, such committee to be appointed by the Worshipful Master.
Section 2.
An application for membership in this Lodge by a Mason, regularly demitted from some other legally organized Lodge, shall be by written petition, signed by the applicants own hand, and in the form prescribed by the Grand Lodge.
This petition shall be recommended by at least two Master Masons, one of whom shall be a member of this lodge, and delivered to the Secretary. It shall be read twice, as in the case of a petition for initiation, and before the ballot can take place shall be reported on by a committee, consisting of three members of this Lodge, to be appointed by the Worshipful Master at least one of whom should have successfully completed the Investigation Course if, and as, offered by the Grand Lodge of Georgia.
Section 3.
Any member of this Lodge who is not under charges, sentence of suspension or expulsion who shall have fully paid up all indebtedness to this Lodge shall be entitled, on his written application, to receive a Demit, Transfer Certificate or Certificate of Good Standing. A vote must be taken by secret ballot and must be unanimous. If the vote is not unanimous, charges should be preferred against the applicant, if no charges are preferred by the next regular communication the Secretary shall record said fact in the minutes and issue the proper certificate without further action.
Section 4.
Applications and petitions of every kind (except for relief) must be presented at a regular communication of the Lodge, and be acted upon in accordance with the Grand Lodge of Georgia Masonic Code.
The vote upon applications for diplomas or charity must be taken by show of the hands, or by secret ballots; and a majority of votes shall decide all such questions. The vote upon application for the degrees or membership must be by secret ballot, and one negative vote shall reject.
Every member of this Lodge, present when a motion is put on a question stated, shall be bound to vote, unless excused by the Worshipful Master. In balloting on an application for degrees of membership, if none but white ballots appear, the applicant shall be immediately declared duly elected, if two or more black ballots appear, he shall be immediately declared duly rejected, if only one black ballot appears, the Worshipful Master shall order the ballot to be again spread, and one black ballot appearing, the applicant shall be declared duly rejected. Immediately after the result of the ballot is declared, the Worshipful Master shall order the Secretary to record the results.
No one shall be permitted to inspect the ballot but the Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, and no brother shall be permitted to make known to any person whatever, Mason or otherwise, the manner in which he voted. No restriction of any sort shall be placed upon a brother in the manner of voting upon any question, nor shall he be questioned by any member of the Lodge how he exercised that right. A ballot when once declared shall be final; nor shall any reconsideration thereof be permitted on any pretense whatever.
In case of rejection of any applicant for the degrees, he shall be precluded from presenting a second petition until the expiration of twelve calendar months from the date of such rejection.
Section 5.
When an applicant is rejected by this Lodge, no member or visiting brother shall discover, by any means whatever, who opposed his admission, under the penalty, if a member by being suspended, or if a visitor, be never thereafter being permitted to visit this Lodge or become a member thereof; and if any member of this Lodge shall inform a petitioner or any other person except a Master Mason in good standing, of anything which may have occurred in relation to any petition (except the petitioner himself that he was admitted or rejected) or shall inform him who was present at the time of such action, or shall divulge any business whatever that may have been transacted by or in the Lodge, he shall be deemed guilty of un-Masonic conduct, and shall be dealt with therefore according to chapter VII of these By-Laws. IN ORDER THAT NO BROTHER MAY PLEAD IGNORANCE THEREOF, IT IS HEREBY MADE OBLIGATORY ON THE WORSHIPFUL MASTER TO READ THIS SECTION IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE REJECTION OF ANY CANDIDATE.
Section 1.
The fees for the degrees in this Lodge shall be two hundred fifty dollars. ($250.00). One hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) shall accompany the petition, fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be paid before the degree of Fellow Craft, and fifty dollars ($50.00) before the degree of Master Mason is conferred. In compliance with an act of the Grand Lodge of Georgia a portion of the fees will be sent to the Grand Lodge for various assessments.
The dues for members shall be the sum of the following: Current Grand Lodge per capita taxes, Current 7th District per capita taxes, Current Cobb County Taxes and one hundred and twenty Dollars ($120.00) for Meyerhardt operating funds. It is payable annually in advance, namely, on the first day of January in each year. Any member of this Lodge who qualifies for emeritus membership under §31-115 of the Masonic Code shall be granted an emeritus status and provided with a membership card signifying same.
A member raised shall not be liable for dues until the January following the year he was raised. A member affiliated between the dates fixed by the By-Laws for the payment of dues, shall be liable for only such part of the whole dues for the period as is proportioned to the time between his raising or affiliation and the next date for payment.
A Brother holding Emeritus status prior to January 1, 2014 shall not be liable for any Dues. A Brother attaining Emeritus status on January 1, 2014 or at a later date shall be liable for that portion of Lodge Dues that must be paid to the Grand Lodge of Georgia for any Dues or assessment on his behalf.
Section 2.
The prompt payment of the annual dues to the Lodge by its members is indispensably necessary, in order; keep it in funds for the relief of distressed, as well as to meet the current expenses for the Lodge. The nonpayment of said dues is hereby declared a Masonic offense, and shall be dealt with therefore, unless a brother is pecuniary unable to pay the same. Any brother in arrears for dues for twelve months may be suspended, without trial by a resolution. A separate resolution must be had on each individual member of the Lodge so charged. Before such action is taken the Secretary shall furnish such a brother a statement of his account with the Lodge, together with a copy of this section from the By-Laws, and a notice to show cause why he should not be suspended, at least ten days prior to the date of such suspension, by registered United States mail. A brother, however, cannot be suspended for the non-payment of dues who is in any branch of the military service of the United States while a state of war exists between the United States and any foreign power.
It shall be the duty of the Worshipful Master to have the Secretary read the names of those in arrears of dues for one year, for the first reading not later than the last meeting night in May and for the second reading not later than the first meeting night in June. Any member who must be notified of dues in arrears shall be liable for expenses incurred in collection of said dues.
A petition for restoration shall be delivered to the Secretary with the sum of all dues owed to the Lodge when suspended, the current year’s dues and a restoration fee of five dollars ($5.00).
Section 3.
Upon the death of a Brother, the Secretary will draw from the Treasurer the amount of Fifty Dollars ($50.00). This will be used to purchase a brick for the Masonic Symbol project at the Masonic Children’s Home in the name of the deceased Brother. If a brick is not available, the money will be sent to the Georgia Children’s Home Endowment Fund as a memorial to the deceased Brother.
Section 1.
There shall be two standing committees of this Lodge: A Relief Committee and an Audit Committee.
The Relief Committee
Shall consist of three members to be appointed by the Worshipful Master at the regular annual election of officers. The duty of this committee shall be to visit sick and indigent brethren, reporting same to the Lodge with such recommendations as they may see fit.
The Audit Committee
Shall consist of three members, to be appointed by the Worshipful Master on the day of his installation. The Worshipful Master, Secretary and Treasurer in office during the term of the audit cannot be members of the Committee. Their duties shall be to take a general supervision of the books and vouchers of the Treasurer and Secretary and audit the same to make a report in writing of the financial condition of the Lodge and to recommend any changes or procedures that may be required.
Section 2.
Special committees may be appointed upon any Business, at the discretion of the Worshipful Master and may consist of such a number of member master masons as the Worshipful Master may decide upon. They shall report at the next regular communication unless the Lodge shall order otherwise. All reports of committees shall be in writing if required by the Lodge.
Section 1.
The following are Masonic offenses subjecting the Offender to Masonic Discipline as set by the Grand Lodge of Georgia:
A. Violation of the moral law
B. Violation of the laws of Masonry
C. Violation of the laws of the land involving moral turpitude
Section 1.
Amendments to these By-Laws may be by action of the Grand Lodge or of this Lodge. Any amendments that may be made by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Georgia in her own constitutional rules, or in these By-Laws and any edicts or resolutions of a general character, promulgated by the Grand Lodge, which affect any subject embodied in these By-Laws, shall be considered as amendments to these By-Laws, from the date thereof, without any formal action on the part of this Lodge.
These By-Laws or any portion thereof may be repealed, and likewise new and additional amendments made thereto; all of such amendments shall be proposed in writing and read by the secretary at a regular communication of the Lodge and lie over until the next regular communication for final adoption or rejection. In the meantime, it shall be the duty of the secretary to notify each member of the Lodge at his last known address by United States mail of the pendency of such amendments, giving only the number of chapter, and section of said change. A two-thirds majority of those present shall be necessary for the adoption of any amendment thereto. No By-Laws, or any portion thereof, can be temporarily dispensed with for any purpose whatever.
1. The right of visitation is subject to the prerogative of any member of a Lodge to object to the admission of a visitor when his relations to that visitor are of such nature as to render it unpleasant to sit in Lodge with him.
Every brother shall stand when he speaks, and shall address himself to the Worshipful Master, with respect and decorum, and shall confine himself to the subject under discussion, he shall not be interrupted while speaking unless for a breach of order.
3. The report of all committees shall be made in writing if required by the Lodge, and signed by at least a majority of the committee; otherwise they shall not be received.
4. No question shall be put unless it is seconded, and it shall not be opened for discussion until stated by the Worshipful Master, then the same shall be determined by a majority of the members present.
5. Every member present, when a question is put, shall vote thereon, unless for special reasons he shall be excused, and the vote on any question shall be taken by ballot at the request of three members.
6. Any member may call for division of a question, when the same will admit it.
7. Any member of this Lodge may move for the reconsideration of any motion previously voted on, provided he give notice in writing to the Worshipful Master of his intention to move for such reconsideration, before the next regular meeting of the Lodge, after such resolution has been voted on, provided that no motion, or no question shall be reconsidered more than once.
8. Every resolution shall be reduced to writing, if the Worshipful Master or any member desires it.
We, the undersigned, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the By-Laws and rules of order, read for the first time at a regular communication of Meyerhardt Lodge No. 314, F. & A. M. Held on the 27th day of August 2020. The same lay over on the secretary’s desk until the next regular communication held on the 10th day of December 2020 at which time the same were passed by a minimum or two-thirds vote of all present.
In the meantime, the secretary had given due notice to all the members of the Lodge that such By-Laws would come up for the adoption or rejection at the meeting held on the 10th day of December 2020.
Witness our hands and official signatures this 10th day of December 2020,
The same having been approved by the Grand Lodge of Georgia at the Annual Communication in the year Two Thousand and Twenty-One.
Bill McGloin, Worshipful Master
Meyerhardt Lodge 314, F & A M
Joseph Lawrence Zwahlen, Secretary
Meyerhardt Lodge 314, F & A M
Cabot Rohrer, Chairman, Bylaws
Meyerhardt Lodge 314, F & A M
Mike Pappafotis, Bylaws Committee
Meyerhardt Lodge 314, F & A M
This committee is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the Lodge building, grounds, equipment, furniture and utilities, except 0.E.S. Furniture and equipment.
Equipment or furniture for the Lodge should not be brought into or removed from the Lodge premises without the knowledge and permission of this committee and approved by the Worshipful Master.
This committee should coordinate with the new building committee completion of new building projects in order to be aware as to when the maintenance and upkeep will become the responsibility of the house and grounds committee.
This committee is responsible for filing and assuring that payment of ad valorem property taxes is made in a timely manner.
This committee should see that insurance on property is evaluated annually and make recommendations to the Lodge as to the feelings of the committee so that the Lodge’s interest in the building and furniture and equipment will be properly and adequately insured.
This committee shall communicate with public utilities as required to assure continuous service. When repair of equipment is required, check with membership for possible repair or reduced rate.
All expenditures must be approved by the Lodge in advance, except in an emergency situation after conference with the Worshipful Master for approval.
Work in conjunction with Finance Committee, Secretary and Treasurer, to assure that funds are available for payment of all debts.
Plan and initiate, in conjunction with programs and planning committees, special fund raising projects to assist in new building effort, debt repayment, relief fund, and etc.
Coordinate with Finance Committee in recommending to the Lodge transfer of funds from the regular-general expense account for special projects, and building and ground activities.
Recommend changes to the By-Laws to the Lodge in the form of a written resolution for Lodge action.
Keep up to date the By-Laws by incorporating all approved changes.
Keep copies of By-Laws on hand for new and affiliated members.
It shall be the duty of this committee to make personal contact with the membership at least quarterly or as directed by the Worshipful Master to inform the membership of current events of the Lodge, special and regular communications, special programs, fund raising events, members illness, deaths and funerals of members and immediate family.
This committee shall be a source of information feedback to the Lodge of Items noted above and also addresses and phone number changes. This committee shall explore the possibility of a periodic newsletter to the membership using information gained from personal contacts through this committee and general information from our Lodge meetings of any special items of interest.
This committee shall plan and implement a telephone committee.
This committee is to visit the sick and indignant brethren, their widows and orphans, reporting the same to the Lodge with such recommendations as they may see fit.
The Worshipful Master has in his possession one hundred Dollars ($100.00) to use in case of emergencies, when time will not permit waiting until the next Lodge communication. The relief committee shall present their findings and request the emergency funds to be used. The Worshipful Master will make the final decision on releasing funds.
Work in conjunction with the coaching committees.
Plan and hold Masonic education meetings with the candidates in accordance with guidelines of Lodge system of Masonic education.
Prepare and present occasional Masonic education programs of the Lodge when there is no degree work plan.
Coaches should work in conjunction With Masonic education committee.
Coaches should maintain proficiency in the different degrees. Coaches should teach the principles of free Masonry and not his political or personal philosophies.
During coaching sessions carry candidate through the Lodge hall explaining various steps he went through during the degree. Many times this function will assist the candidate in learning what the coaches are attempting to teach.
In regards to the candidate’s questions, coaches should be sure of their answer before replying to such questions. If there is some question in your mind as to the correct answer inform the candidate that you will give him an answer after checking with some well-informed brother.
Conduct coaching sessions in a manner that the candidates will know that the sessions are for his benefit. Set a time and place and insist he be there. If the candidate cannot attend sessions for good cause, insist that he call and let the coach know in advance, if possible.
Assure that a candidate is proficient before he is presented before Lodge for examination.